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come away with me造句

"come away with me"是什么意思  
  • Come away with me into the sun
  • Come away with me tomorrow
  • Come away with me
  • Come away with me
  • But natasha herself had to see the doctors . they made her come away with me . yes
    而娜塔莎本人也需要延医诊治,他们强迫她和我一起来的。 ”
  • After little more than a year of work , norah jones released her debut album , come away with me
    只经过一年多一点的准备工作,诺拉?琼斯就推出了她的首张专辑《远走高飞》 。
  • Her blue note debut album , come away with me , offers a musicalityand depth of feeling that would be uncommon in any era
  • " when i saw you wouldn t come unless i could marry you , i decided to put everything else behind me and get you to come away with me
  • Come away with me has been on the billboard charts for 51 weeks and now stands at no . 3 - - a feat of astounding longevity
    专辑里其他原创歌曲听起来甚至也有点旧曲重唱的感觉。到目前为止, 《远走高飞》专辑在排行榜上持续了51周,现在排名第3 ,可算是惊人的长寿了。
  • Instruments vocals , piano norah jones is that kind of singer . her blue note debut album , come away with me , offers a musicalityand depth of feeling that would be uncommon in any era
    专辑另一焦点曲目nightingale ,为norah个人的创作作品,以略带迷幻的编曲方式,成功营造出夜幕低垂的氛围里,淡淡的忧愁感受。
  • It's difficult to see come away with me in a sentence. 用come away with me造句挺难的
  • Come away with me blends elements of jazz , soul , country , and folk - pop in a warm , unselfconscious amalgam and erases musical boundaries in the process . one could imagine fans of sade , charlie rich , and nick drake all deriving equal enjoyment from this record
    诺拉琼丝norah jones远走高飞将爵士灵魂乡村民谣流行元素温暖而自然地调和,融合的过程中浑然天成的消弭了音乐的界限。
  • Jones beat the odds - on favorite , bruce springsteen and the e street band , whose 9 / 11 - related album the rising had been seen as virtually a mortal lock for album of the year and song of the year , two categories that come away with me won
    琼斯击败了事前最为看好的布鲁斯?斯普林斯廷和e街乐队,他们制作的与" 9 ? 11 "有关的专辑《升起》 ,一直被看作是最佳专辑奖和最佳单曲奖的注定得主,结果这两项奖都被《远走高飞》夺走。
  • She also sang with a band called laszlo , playing what she describes as " dark , jazzy rock . " in the summer of 1999 , norah accepted a friend s offer of a summer sublet in greenwich village . she came to manhattan and never returned to north texas state
    Come away with me是张横跨爵士流行与民谣的精采佳作, norah jones让广大乐迷领会到原来爵士不只有传统的即兴摇摆,当它与其它乐种相融合时,也可以有这么精采的作品呈现。
  • In the present day , in a performer just 22 years of age , these qualities are truly remarkable . the brooklyn - based artist has sung and played piano professionally since her teens ; come away with me reveals her estimable skills as a songwriter and arranger . norah composed the unforgettable title song come away with me , nightingale , and she co - wrote the long day is over
    Come away with me是张横跨爵士流行与民谣的精采佳作, norah jones让广大乐迷领会到原来爵士不只有传统的即兴摇摆,当它与其它乐种相融合时,也可以有这么精采的作品呈现。
  • Soul singer erykah badu and trumpeter roy hargrove are also washington alumni . norah played her first gig on her 16th birthday , an open - mic night at a local coffeehouse , where she performed a version of i ll be seeing you that she d learned from etta james treatment of this billie holiday favorite . while still in high school , norah won the down beat student music awards for best jazz vocalist and best original composition in 1996 , and earned a second sma for best jazz vocalist in 1997
    此次第一张个人专辑come away with me , norah展现她精湛的琴艺与迷人的嗓音,专辑同名曲come away with me远走高飞为四重奏编制的抒情慢板歌曲, norah温熟的嗓音表现颇有大将之风,让人不禁想起另一位爵士女伶diana krall seven years则以灵魂乐作为基调,搭配蓝调音乐里惯用的空心吉他滑弦技巧,将爵士灵魂流行民谣等元素完美结合,是首相当精采的作品。
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